I dette spillet er målet å hjelpe Fred Flintstone til å vinne Wilmas gunst. Han må bygge et hus ved å samle steiner og sette dem riktig på plass. Samtidig må du passe deg for skumle skilpadder og flygende dinosaurer. Når dette er gjort venter det flere spennende oppgaver. Spillet kommer på kassett og er i fin stand.
2 Artikkel Produkter
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In Yabba Dabba Doo the player has to help Fred win Wilma's heart. To do this he must build a house by collecting rocks and putting them in the right place. There are obstacles to this, small rocks get in the way, turtles bite your ankles and pterodactyls drop rocks on you too. Also while you're away neighbours will pinch bits. Once the house is built, you have to get Fred a car so that he can get to the quarry to work, thus earning enough money to hire a dino crane to put the roof on. Progress is measured by points, these are gained as you build the house, get to work and finally find Wilma.